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Notre école

IMT Business School  School with impact

The Institut Mines-Télécom Business School (IMT Business School) is a Grande Ecole of the IMT (Institut Mines-Télécom), France’s leading group of engineering schools. Our school is public and socially inclusive. Our social and sustainable commitment is to train the managers of tomorrow, focused on innovation and responsible digital transformation.

Our American-style campus is a great place to live for students from our partner institutions. They have priority access to accommodation in our student residences. They also benefit from sports facilities and a dynamic, diversified community life.

The incubator, created on our campus in 1999, encourages entrepreneurship among students and young entrepreneurs. It also supports them in their international development. Download the IMT incubator booklet. 

Grande Ecole: the French culture of excellence

In France, the Grandes Ecoles system is more selective. Admission is by competitive entrance examination after two years of preparatory classes, on the basis of academic qualifications, or directly after the baccalauréat for schools offering an integrated preparatory cycle. The cost of enrolment and application fees is higher than at university.


