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Bachelor IMT Business School
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What are the career options after the Bachelor Management & Digital Business?

After obtaining your Bachelor Management & Digital Business degree at Institut Mines-Telecom Business School, you are ready to enter the labor market.

You have all the keys to become a responsible manager, capable of undertaking and bringing together complementary expertise, in order to anticipate the digital and societal transformations of tomorrow.

Your diploma from a top business school such as IMT Business School allows you to consider your professional future with confidence.

After the bachelor... in a few figures

  • 75% of the Bachelor students continue their studies,
  • 17% are employed at the end of the program, among which 67% in France and 33% abroad,
  • 2 out of 3 students are recruited following their end-of-study internship,
  • 1 out of 3 students find a job in less than 2 months thanks to the School’s Career Center,
  • €36,500: this is the average salary in France (including bonuses) for the Bachelor graduates.

A career-oriented Bachelor program in 3 years to serenely enter the labor market

With your 3-year Bachelor’s degree in management and Digital Business, and benefiting from an outstanding academic and practical education, you can start your career in sales, marketing, advertising, communication (publishing, audiovisual, information …), information services, etc. in positions such as : 

  • Project Manager (management, export/import sales, auditing, logistics, marketing, events, data, information systems, digital)
  • Community Manager
  • Communications Manager
  • Sales Assistant
  • Junior Data Analyst
  • Consultant (IT application functional)
  • Customer Relationship Manager
  • Assistant Product Manager



Thanks to its “Digital Business” focus, our Bachelor program is the gateway to promising and innovative sectors, such as digital industries and technologies.

By choosing to enter the professional world directly, you leverage the professional and international experience developed during your studies:

  • A 2 to 3-month compulsory internship in the 1st year, a 2 to 3-month optional internship in the 2nd year and a 6-month compulsory internship in the 3rd year, i.e. up to 1 year of professional experience.
  • Mandatory 6-month international expatriation in the 1st semester of the 3rd year, in the form of an academic exchange in one of our partner universities.

Our pedagogy, which focuses on operational and practical commitment as well as on teamwork during the 3 years of the program, is highly valued by the professional world. Multimedia workshops, or events such as Innovation Game, Serious Game, and Semaine du leadership et de la transition écologique are a few examples.

Want to continue your studies after completing your Bachelor program ?

After obtaining your Bachelor’s degree, you can also complete your training by continuing your studies at Master’s level (university, business school). This is the case for 75% of our students.

Gateways are available for graduates of the Bachelor Management & Digital Business towards a BAC +5 program. You can obtain a Master’s degree in a business school or at the university, within our School or at one of our many partners around the world.

Want to start your own business?

During the 3 years of your Bachelor program, through interactive and interdisciplinary teaching, your involvement in the School’s associations and teamwork, you will develop your entrepreneurial ability, your leadership as well as your management and business administration skills.

IMT Business School promotes entrepreneurship

Want to start a business during your studies at IMT Business School?

Discover all the possibilities!

IMT Starter: 4th incubator in France
IMT Starter is the digital incubator of Institut Mines-Telecom Business School, Telecom SudParis and ENSIIE.

Career Center: dedicated to supporting you throughout your studies

The IMT Business School Career Center will accompany you throughout the 3 years of your Bachelor program.

You will benefit from personalized coaching as well as many other services: search for internships, contacts and meetings with companies, recruitment fairs, etc.

Alumni: take advantage of the strength of a networkt

Make the most of the extensive alumni network: 7,000 professional graduates from all our programs (Bachelor, Integrated Master’s in Management, Specialized Masters, Masters of Science and Executive) are present throughout the world in all sectors of activity.

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