IMT Business School
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Experiences at IMT-BS

Environmental Management

In order to train responsible managers, it is essential to provide students with environment-friendly living conditions. Awareness and learning are also easier for students if they live on a campus which is committed to taking action to reduce the impact of its activities on the environment. 

Gestion environnementale sur le campus d'IMT Business School
Gestion environnementale à IMT Business School: Tri des déchets

Waste reduction and recycling:

Waste sorting: cups, cans, plastic bottles, paper and plastic caps are donated to the association Bouchons de l’Espoir.


The WEEEs (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) are repaired by the RECLS association, donated to underprivileged families or resold. The profits from the sale of old books from the multimedia library are redistributed to associations for missions of access to education and culture (Secours Populaire Français, Mots et Merveilles).

Gestion environnementale à IMT Business School: Gestion des déchets d'équipements électriques et électroniques
Gestion environnementale à IMT Business School: Opération campus propre et zéro mégot

Awareness-raising actions

Operation Clean Campus and Zero Cigarette Butts, communication focusing on the use of personal mugs at the cafeteria and in the hot beverage vending machines.

Urban agriculture

The PoUCE is the campus vegetable garden managed by the club Uni’vert. As a shared space open to students and staff members, it aims to raise awareness about sustainable agriculture and resource management. It is equipped with a rainwater collector, insect nest boxes and is part of an organic farming approach.

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Gestion environnementale IMT Business School: Valorisation des achats responsables

Responsible purchasing:

For several years, IMT Business School has been engaged in a progressive approach to responsible purchasing (furniture, goodies, phytosanitary products, catering).

Energy management

LED lighting, motion detectors, free-cooling system in the server room in order to optimize energy consumption.

Gestion environnementale IMT Business School: Vers une électricité verte
Gestion environnementale IMT Business School: Salle de sport écologique au campus

Sustainable construction

A project for the sustainable building of a new sports hall with ecological materials is under way.


Recharging stations for electric vehicles, secure bicycle storage room, renewal of the vehicle fleet with hybrid vehicles.

Gestion environnementale IMT Business School: Bornes de recharge électrique